‘Manufacturing Mash-Up’ draws hundreds to Polar Park in Worcester


PUBLISHED 2:15 PM ET SEP. 28, 2021

WORCESTER, Mass. – Manufacturing businesses of all sizes converged upon Polar Park in Worcester on Tuesday morning for what was billed as a “Manufacturing Mash Up.”

Over 600 attendees networked with around 30 exhibitors at the event. 

Event organizer, Mass Tech Collaborative, said it’s goal was to bring together the manufacturing ecosystem in Massachusetts. According to the Collaborative, there are approximately 7,000 small to medium manufacturers in the Commonwealth. And although the sector is growing, it’s not without it’s challenges.

“Right now, one of the biggest challenges that our small to medium manufacturers are facing is workforce,” Christine Nolan, Mass Tech’s Director of Center for Advanced Manufacturing, said. “There is a shortage of workforce in manufacturing and our goal is to shift the perception of manufacturing. That it’s no longer dark, dirty and dangerous, but interesting, ability to make things, get involved and learn from others in the industry.”

In conjunction with the Mash Up, the 6th Annual Manufacturing Awards Ceremony was hosted by the Massachusetts Legislative Manufacturing Caucus.