Past Events

Manufacturing in a Pandemic: Peer Roundtable about Resilient Supply Chains

In partnership with Greentown Labs, FORGE held a virtual roundtable discussion to provide information and foster discussion between startups about resilient supply chains. The event kicked off with an overview of supply chain disruption trends that FORGE has observed amidst COVID-19, followed by discussion about the experience of the startups in attendance, as well as…

Zoom meeting

Rocket Roundtable

FORGE hosted a Rocket Roundtable event in partnership with supplier sponsors AMI, Synectic, and Intertek. This event was meant to give specific startups in the FORGE network a chance to present their products and supply chain issues and receive immediate feedback from supplier experts, as well as facilitate right-fit connections and mutually beneficial contracts as…

Open Standard Resporator meetup image

Rocket Roundtable

FORGE held a virtual Rocket Roundtable with a total of 20 attendees – two PPE startups, the Open Standard Respirator and Maker Mask, and a panel of supply chain experts and government contacts. Both startups are in need of connections in different parts of the supply chain. The Open Standard Respirator team needed augmented testing…

group of people in front of Greentown Labs

Representative Wagner Visits Greentown Labs

FORGE was very excited to host Representative Joseph Wagner, the Assistant Majority Leader of the Massachusetts House of Representatives, for a tour of Greentown Labs. Representative Wagner has been a continued supporter of both cleantech and the Massachusetts innovation community. This includes support for the Greentown Learn Manufacturing Initiative’s mission of connecting hardware startups with…

group visiting Toner Plastics warehouse

Monthly Networking Meetup

FORGE hosted the Monthly Networking Meetup for Hardware Startups in Boston. These meetings provide a great opportunity for members of the startup community to gather and learn from one another, as well as to find potential resources to help further their ventures. The meetup included networking time as well as an opportunity for members of…

group visiting Toner Plastics warehouse

Tour of Toner Plastics

The tour of Toner Plastics was kicked off by remarks from regional leaders Senator Eric Lesser and Representative Brian Ashe about the economic importance of manufacturing in western Massachusetts from Senator Lesser and Toner Plastics. Regional startup Quikcord shared how through FORGE, they were connected with Toner Plastics, who helped with iteration on early designs…

montage: Grant recipients and group in attendance

Supplier and Innovation Showcase

Informal networking anchored by a high-energy supplier showcase was combined with a structured program of startup finalist pitches for $15,000 in non-dilutive Engineer in Residence (EIR) grants. The event drew over 200 attendees from across the robust Massachusetts innovation and manufacturing ecosystems. Five finalist startups gave live pitches describing their company and the discrete engineering…